Don’t Make These Brushing Mistakes

You may have a wonderful habit of brushing your teeth twice a day, but are you brushing your teeth correctly? As it turns out, brushing isn’t just about rubbing some toothpaste around your mouth for ten seconds before you rush out the door. To keep your smile clean and white, make sure you avoid the following most common brushing mistakes:

Take Your Time

Not only should you brush twice a day, but you should also spend two minutes brushing during each session. Two minutes can seem like a long time to brush, so feel free to listen to a song on your phone to pass the time.

Be Gentle

Make sure not to brush your teeth more than three times a day. This can wear down your enamel and even damage your gums. Also, be careful not to press too hard with your toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes are a great choice because they allow you to just guide the bristles along your teeth. It does not take much to remove plaque, so be kind to your teeth.

Store Your Toothbrush Wisely

Most of us keep our toothbrushes in the bathroom, which is not the cleanest place. Make sure to keep your toothbrush free of germs by keeping it in a standing holder. Also, make sure the toothbrush can air dry and don’t let it touch any other brushes that might be in the same holder. You don’t want to swap germs!

Contact Us

For a Waconia dentist you can trust, be sure to come see us at Kruckman Family Dentistry. Our professional staff will take good care of you and your smile! Call today to schedule an appointment.